Saturday, June 30, 2012

primal scream

this is about your animal inside.

do you feel her, him, them, growling?
do you feel them calling?

i feel her. she's present, she's awakening, she's alive and she's raw.

there are instincts, biological, primal instincts that we repress.
i call you to answer them, to listen, to respond, to act upon them.

you are a creature, you are an animal, you are a bear a wolf a hawk a turtle a dog, you are these things and you should not forget that. you are earth, you are sky, you are dirt.

touch your skin and crawl your fingers up your arms, recognize your muscles and your tendons, your joints and your hair, your human.

everything that really matters is ensconced in your skin, your breath, your heartbeat. the breath of the world, my friend, of the literal and physical reality that we are a part of, no questions asked. you have no choice in the matter, you are here. can you leave?

lots of people leave. leave their bodies, leave their minds, leave their earth, leave their wind and their smoke and their pain. we have many tools for the leaving, the escaping, the distracting. we are incredibly, terrifying adept at the process of removing ourselves from our reality, from our insignificance.

from our truth.

there is no denying your flesh.

set your hair on fire, smell it burning. catch a fish from the stream and render its skin with your teeth. be freezing cold and burning hot, be taxed in every sense and see what else you can find. you have more left than you ever knew you did and, of course, it is always and never enough.

we can play our games and trade our papers and the greatest of any of us can be taken out by a rattlesnake just the same.

pay attention to your inner animal, she's talking to you and she has a few things she would like to say. are you capable of listening?

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