Monday, January 23, 2012

late night airport musings

i've slept for two hours and i am not tired. my nose and brain are full of snot and i don't feel sick; my future is full of unanswered questions and i am greeted by a flooding surge of enthusiasm, fearlessness, certain joy. it is all....level. calm. ecstatically at peace. I have earned this voyage and i will not hamper, hinder nor affect it with sadness, shame, selfish doubts. many of my past journeys were colored with markers of these shades.

not this one.

to be called to a life of greatness is to shrug the shudderings of the weak and frightened mind. illumination, healing, laughter, raw and whole forthwith expression of self. this is real!

its so easy to utter forth convenient cliches of life; phrases and utterances that fill the pages of self-help books and yoga classes. now, go out and find your way to live them, to make dangerous and honest choices and take risks and live from your heart and discount doubt.

we are all capable of our own personal nirvana--achieving our own status of bliss. it just depends on how we define it.

the rat race has begun long before your legos snapped into place. they haven't been waiting for you. the man who drove me here has cancer from agent orange exposure while serving in vietnam and our country will not give him health insurance. death and dysfunction trail their rickety fingers dwon the spines of anyone willing to lay down in their beds. they are desperate for your company and they will warm your flesh and leave you panting; empty and careening downward, head attached but heart somewhere in left field. you'll have to sprint like hell to retrieve that throbbing son of a bitch before the vultures swoop.

its no joke, choosing joy.
what do you hear when you're left with no sounds
what do you see when all becomes dark.
who and why the fuck are you?
envision a different reality
a collective conciousness of those who have fallen and chosen again!
we may be pointless but we do exist.

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