Friday, January 20, 2012

material things

i'm packing for my trip.
i do believe 2006 was the last legitimate time i lived solely out of a backpack....i have been spoiled by sailboats, cars, houses.

it is difficult fitting your ambitions into a pack.

which makes me wonder.
i look around this house i have rented; mattresses with fleece sheets, ponies made of plastic and skulls of bone, costumes, photographs, animal hides, brass lamps, leather jackets, six pairs of shoes, art eyes google outward and i realize! i am rich!

rich! goddamn filthy, beautifully rich! look at all my shiny, wondrous treasures!

take note of what you have and be grateful. look around you, take stock. you and i are so damn blessed.

its incredible, and its a strange presence in myself that i have never really wanted to do be completely without my material goods. i have carted some crazy bullshit to the ends of the earth and back again. i dont look forward to amassing it all again and, somehow, owning things gives me great joy. my things that i treasure, of course, may be different from the average joe. i'm not talkin flat screen televisions here, folks.

i guess what i'm trying to say is

1. realize what you've got and praise it.
2. be aware that its all just stuff. consider what would happen if you lost it all and make sure it wouldn't hurt too bad. you still carry everything you need within your own body and, on a whole other topic, you should treat that temple with the greatest respect and attention humanly possible. its the only one you have and you can't get another one. at least not yet. beep boop bip!

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